Our state-of-the-art technologies include cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), digital x-rays, Velscope cancer detection, intraoral cameras, same day crowns, digital mouth impressions, and SureSmile clear aligners. We also offer the most advanced in laser dentistry, cutting-edge implants, dynamic surgical guides, and a brand-new sterilization center.

Dr. Lawrence Chong

Dental CBCT Scan

Phi Dental uses dental cone beam computed tomography (CT) in situations where regular dental or facial x-rays are insufficient. This particular type of x-ray machine is not used routinely because the radiation exposure from this scanner is significantly more than regular dental x-rays. The advantage of a CT is that it generates three-dimensional (3-D) images of dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths, and bone in the craniofacial region in a single scan. Images obtained with cone beam CT allow for more precise treatment planning.

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-rays are faster and contain less radiation than traditional X-rays. When a patient has a digital X-ray done, the image appears on the computer in a matter of seconds. Your dentist can then zoom into the image to better assess and educate the patient regarding their oral health. Digital X-rays are also less harmful for patients as they contain up to 90% less radiation compared to traditional X-rays.

Laser Dentistry

Lasers are used to improve efficiency and eliminate discomfort in a number dental procedures, including frenectomies, cold sores and gum treatments. Laser dentistry is fast, painless, and disinfects bacteria during the procedure to avoid any further complications or problems.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are screw-replacements for the root portion of missing teeth. Implants are used to restore healthy smiles when patients have missing teeth. Implants are effective because they can replace missing teeth, while still giving the patient the feel and look of a natural tooth. We are currently using the latest dental implants manufactured by Dentsply – ASTRA TECH Implant System BioManagement Complex.

VEL Scope

VELscope is a special type of light that a dentist will shine in a patient’s mouth to detect any abnormalities. This new form of technology is effectively used to detect cell changes in the mouth which can lead to the discovery of early forms of cancer or disease during an oral cancer screening.

Intraoral Camera

The intraoral camera is a tool that dentists use to gain precise and well-defined pictures of hard to see places within a patient’s mouth. The camera also allows us to show these images to patients while assessing and educating the patient’s needs. This new form of technology allows us to conduct a thorough checkup of your mouth and better assess our patient’s oral care needs.

Same Day Crowns

We here at Phi are able to have very fast turnarounds with minimal discomfort and superb esthetics of our crowns milled on location. We are every proud to be able to possess the technology required to provide our patients a unique and pleasant experience.

Digital Impressions

Digital impressions represent cutting-edge technology that allows our dentists to create a virtual, computer-generated replica of the hard and soft tissues in the mouth using lasers and other optical scanning devices. The digital technology captures clear and highly accurate impression data in mere minutes, without the need for traditional impression materials that some patients find inconvenient and messy. Many patients find digital impressions an easier and more comfortable procedure because traditional impression materials are avoided.

Dynamic Surgical Guides

The Inliant Surgical Navigation System maintains the flexibility of conventional free-hand surgery, while giving you the ability to improve the precision and accuracy of implant position, angle and depth.

Sterilization Center

We are proud of our sterilization Center. Providing a clean, disinfected environment for each patient is critical. We use plastic coverings in all of our treatment rooms and all water used for patient treatment passes through an ultra-violet sterilization process. We also use protective equipment such as nitrile gloves, masks, eyewear, and lab coats. And when possible, we use disposable items.

SureSmile® Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are clear, removable plastic molds that gradually move your teeth. They are an esthetically-pleasing alternative to braces, especially for minor tooth movements that improve your smile.